Leadership Solution Improve leadership capacity & team performance
-English below- Pro Leadership Bootcamp Nhu cầu đào tạo và nâng cao năng lực nhân sự luôn là vấn đề cấp thiết ở mọi doanh nghiệp trong từng giai đoạn phát triển khác nhau. Nhiều phương thức đào tạo, hướng dẫn đã cung cấp những kiến thức và kĩ năng cần thiết, tuy nhiên mức độ lĩnh hội và ứng dụng những điều ấy trong công việc thực vẫn còn bị hạn chế. Nguyên nhân lớn xuất phát từ
Để đạt được các yếu tố liên quan đến cảm xúc và trải nghiệm cảm tính của người học, cần một giải pháp chuyên biệt từ Trainers và doanh nghiệp cung cấp giải pháp nhân sự. Hình thức đào tạo thông thường và hàn lâm sẽ khó đạt được hiệu quả mang cảm hứng rèn luyện như mong muốn.
Leadership Solution
-English below- Future Leadership Program Vì sao nên Training nhân viên thay vì tuyển dụng nhân sự mới? “Thật khó để tìm được nhân viên có trình độ đạt yêu cầu" Để lấp đầy các vị trí tuyển dụng, nhà quản lý tuyển dụng thường có hai phương án: tuyển dụng bên ngoài hoặc cải cách nội bộ. Mặc dù các ứng viên bên ngoài có thể mang cho doanh nghiệp một số quan điểm và cách thức làm việc mới, nhưng rõ ràng số ứng viên đủ tiêu chuẩn và hòa hợp nhanh chóng với doanh nghiệp đang có xu hướng giảm dần trong các ngành.
Thì hãy TẬP TRUNG TRAINING NỘI BỘ, chuyển nhân viên thừa hành trở thành cấp quản lí, đúng theo nhu cầu doanh nghiệp cần thiết, tiết kiệm chi phí cho doanh nghiệp. FLP (Future Leadership Program) giải quyết vấn đề gì? I was attending the first formal deep tech ecosystem meeting of Vietnam on last 18th July 2019. I was seeing all those passionate entrepreneurs talk on the deep tech and how much they see the future of this technologies. There were a big part was around the block chain though.
It's very interesting to see a lot of ENTREPRENEUR are working on DEEP TECH and creating a product to sell to customer. I don't judge that, but I understand them that's why I also respect their purpose and, also know why they really want to push this forward. However for me deep tech is not about block chain for using and creating currencies, but block chain to solve major problems in cost effective ways. VSHR to make Vietnam Successful on United Nation SDG 3 (health), 4(Education) And 17 (Partnership)1/10/2023 Vietnam's first ever international design summit 2019, which was organized Vietnam on 18th by Vietnam Design Association supported by consulate of Italy. Vietnam Social Health Revolution (VSHR) also sponsored this summit and introduced VSHR to the international attendees. There was around 50 international design associations which took part in this summit and shared about you the belief about design and how design is working to solve problems for humanity. The venue of this event was the Reverie hotel Saigon's scala hall room. Among different delegates Dr. Dante Brandi consulate General of Italy, Mr Steve Leung, IFA Presentments, team and also preventative from Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, USA etc. On this conference John Masud Parvez, Founder and President of VSHR also spoke and he was highlighting how and what positive impacts VSHR is making for the Vietnamese community to solve the problems of Vietnamese people.
How critical is procurement process to respond the information Security for a Corporation?1/10/2023 15th May 2019, I was speaking to "RETHINK CIO" event, organized at Sheraton Hotel Ho Chi Minh city.
I myself, John Masud Parvez, CIO / GITD of Hoan My Medical Corporation, Founder & President of Vietnam Social Health Revolution, joined the information security panel discussion on this CIO Conference. On this occasion I highlighted the different recently incidents of information security about around Asia, also health sector. Then I also added, from those incident how he is learning and suggested other to learn to avoid such incident for Vietnamese corporations. These are the brief incidents he mentioned:
At Reverie Hotel, Time Square Saigon, On November 2019, I was speaking on a advisory session for CEO, IT Directors, CIOs, COO about the cyber security. There were around 20 - 25 CEO, CIO, COO, IT Directors ofdifferent companies were joining this session.
Why cyber security? because everyday almost 1+ million security threats are adding up to the pool of thrats to attack, share or take over our digital assets. This asset can be from our personal level to coporation level. I started with the very grass root level and then brough to the point which can let the audiences a set of bullet points which will help them to go back an start to work on them immediately for protecting their digital assets. The key line of prespective is here "The price is light is less than the price of darkness" Transform your business or get folded - Keynote of John Masud Parvez at Asia IOT Business Platform1/10/2023 John Masud Parvez was keynote speaker to Asia IOT business platform on – Why and How to start a digital transformation for your companies. The Conference was organized at REX Hotel, Ho Chi Minh. And there were around 450+ Public sector government officials business leaders, CEO, Directors and entrepreneurs attending this conference. Though this article we will share you the summery of John Masud Parvez’s keynote speech. John Masud Parvez started with... Dear Industry Leaders, Friends and Fellow mates,
Transformation, Digital technology adaptation and utilization is becoming a KEY for every business sector. I am not here to sell you anything, no product. I am here to tell you, what is the thing can make your business, initiative more successful, your organization to achieve bigger goals. Why I am doing this? The only thing I want is you will think one day, You meet a guy John Masud Parvez in IOT Business platform and he helped you to open up your mindset to achieve bigger goals by leveraging the Digital Technology and transformation approaches. So next 20 minutes, I am going to really PUSH you, with all my energy, and tell you please understand this, take this opportunity, go for growth and achieve bigger goals, or others will do, and they will simply knock you out of the picture in next maximum 5 years period of time. Some say that these words were of Steve Jobs and some say it's not , but who cares ! It's the true essence of life ... " I reached the pinnacle of #success in the business world. In others’ eyes, my life is the epitome of success. However, aside from work, I have little joy. In the end, my wealth is only a fact of life that I am accustomed to. At this moment, lying on my bed and recalling my life, I realize that all the recognition and wealth that I took so much pride in have paled , and become meaningless in the face of my death. You may pay someone to drive your car and earn money for you, but nobody can take care of your illness. Lost tangible items can be recovered or replaced. However, one thing—life—can never be recovered after being gone. Whatever stage of life you are now in, eventually you will have to confront the day the curtain drops. Love for your friends, spouse, and family should be treasured. Embrace yourself and value others. We come to understand that a $3000 watch and a $30 watch both tell the time as we become older and presumably wiser. You'll come to understand that material possessions cannot provide you true inner satisfaction. If the plane crashes, regardless of whether you are in first class or economy, you crash along with it. I thus hope you understand that true happiness comes from having friends, acquaintances, and long-time friends—brothers and sisters—with whom you may converse, laugh, sing, talk, and discuss the north-south-east-west or the heavens and earth. Don't raise your kids to be wealthy. Teach them how to be joyful. Thus, kids will understand the worth of items rather than their price when they are adults. Eat your food as medication if you don't want to have to eat your medicine as food. Even if there are 100 reasons to quit up, the One who loves you will always find a reason to keep on, therefore they will never abandon you for another. Being a human and being a human have quite different meanings. Few people truly comprehend it. When you are born, you are adored. Even in death, you will be cherished. You have to make decisions in between. The six finest physicians in the world are friends, sunshine, sleep, exercise, a healthy diet, and self-assurance. Keep them up at all times to have a healthy life. Each word in this, even if it is not from Steve Jobs, is a diamond. I'll leave you with these words to think over this weekend. Exercise to implement in lifeSố vị trí tuyển dụng cuối quý IV năm 2022 giảm 41% so với cùng kì quý trước. -English below- Nổi bật ở nhóm ngành Công nghệ thông tin - tổng 3 ngành giảm hơn 470 vị trí. Nhóm ngành Ngân hàng - tài chính - bảo hiểm giảm hơn 80 vị trí, nhóm Ngành bán lẻ giảm hơn 60 vị trí xuống còn tổng hơn 170 vị trí trên toàn quốc. Cụ thể so với tuần trước đó, tuần cuối của năm, It giảm vị trí công việc từ 428 lên 322 vị trí. Software giảm 67 nhân sự hiện tuyển 222 nhân viên, Internet giảm hơn 190 vị trí tuyển dụng, hiện chỉ tuyển 90 nhân sự.
3 ngành đều cần tuyển dụng cấp Entry level và middle senior level. |
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