Message from Chairman
"Dear Scholars, Big congratulations to you! Among the 120 applicants of season 2021, you are awarded the Future Leadership Development scholarship.
Because we have seen something special inside you, we have seen sparking talent inside you, we have seen your eagerness to grow, and develop yourself, and the passion inside you to help other people. This 6-month program journey has now been started. We will provide all the opportunities to sharpen all those and bring your skill set to an "Unconsciously competent" level, Let's put our best effort into making these 6 months a remarkable journey in your life!" |
The Vision and MissionVSHR Pro Academy is established with the mission to help companies achieve bigger goals by transforming and empowering their workforce. We provide workforce transformation solutions for our clients.
Our vision is to reach a day where every company has the right work culture, so every Vietnamese professional will be able to feel happy at work and gets the necessary support to grow their career in the industry. 'Pro' stands for Professionals. VSHR PRO Academy is one wing of VSHR Social Academy. |
Scoring System
In our life, the most valuable asset is our own time. This program shows how you can make the best use of every day of your life, so you can make the best possible impact on yourself, your family, your career, and to the people around you.
During the program, every week is important to you as you will be scored based on your performance every week. Here during the program, one week is called "one learning cycle". Please download the briefing pack below so you know all about this program's scoring system. |
Your Skill Map
After 2 weeks since you start your program journey, you will receive your first skill map. And then you will receive your updated skill map every month. So in your 6-month journey, you will have a total of 6 skill maps that will show how you have progressed during the program.
Then after finishing the program, you have the transcript of the program which will be showing your 6 skill maps during your 6 monthly journey at the program.
Based on the performance, every scholar will receive the following two:
Program Transcript: Each successful scholar will receive this. It will be showing the 6 skill maps to visualize the progress of the scholar during the 6 months of the program Award Certificate: Based on the scholar's score, will be awarded the following types of certificates
How the scoring is done? Please download the briefing back and read the details. |
Scholar's Social Group
We have established a social media group that works as a platform to share, connect and help scholars. Pro Academy's all scholars are professionals and have experience. Connecting and sharing those experiences would be extremely important.
This will be a great platform for all different seasons scholars and alumni. |