100x Business Workforce
100x Business Workforce book is written by John Masud Parvez based on his 6+ years of research conducted in workforce of 400+ companies around Vietnam. This book will provide -
In 2024, we are expecting that our publishing editor will publish around 50 printed copies only.
You can join the priority list, so our publisher will keep one book for you.
You can join the priority list, so our publisher will keep one book for you.
Why HR Professionals & Leaders Read this Book?
There are typically 5 levels of business growth. A company needs to continuously create micro-breakthroughs by the workforce and leader of the company to build up the progressive momentum that finally takes a company to the next level in terms of business growth.
That's why a company’s HR department needs to constantly focus on people, expertise, and strategy to facilitate micro-breakthroughs for the workforce and leaders. The beauty is also the different expertise, people, and strategies required to facilitate different micro-breakthroughs at different business levels. It sounds like a puzzle, right? But you will find a vision, roadmap, approach, tools, methodologies, and templates to make that happen for your company when you reach the last page of this book. |
In this era, CEOs are looking for this skillset among HR professionals while building their HR teams. Through this book, as an HR professional, you will gain the skills, resources, tools, and necessary support, direction, etc to achieve business growth objectives that will advance your career and enable you to gain fulfillment.
Message from the Author"I don't like reading a book with a lot of theory and inspiration. Because without actionable steps theory and inspiration do not help me enough.
So since 2021, I have spent 5000+ Hours in writing this to provide HR leaders with a HR transformation toolbox" - John Masud Parvez Now this book is on 6th editorial review. Please keep me in your best wishes so I will be able to get this book ready to give to your hand by 2024. |
Get your copy and start executing immediately as these not just concept based book
Because these are Pro Books filled with - Research insights, tools, methods, downloadable templates etc.
Because these are Pro Books filled with - Research insights, tools, methods, downloadable templates etc.
"For managers and professionals Objectives Setting is critical and essential to unlock the team's performance."
"Since 2021, I have spent 5000+ Hours in writing this to provide HR leaders a transformation tool box. Now this book is on 6th editorial review "
Recreating MySelf
Through this journey, I recreated myself around 7+ times which is a combination of my spirit, health, knowledge, and energy level. On this journey, my passion was my biggest fuel as I position that in the right way.
When I started to recreate myself that time, I found it so difficult as I had to find the truth through the "try and fail" process. It was very scary, time-consuming, and cost more energy. That inspired me to document my journey to "recreate myself", so others could use this as a "user guideline" or "reference" to create themself, become betters, and achieves their dreams. Through this podcast, I am sharing all the different lessons, templates, tools, guidelines and tips I have learned while recreating myself in different phases of my life. |
EVERYDAY 1 New SkillEveryday 1 new skill and knowledge project has been established to inspire the professionals, entrepreneurs and youth to keep learning 1 new skill or knowledge everyday, so they can always more forward toward success in their journey.
Currently Everyday 1 new skill and knowledge is a YouTube channel, so let's subscribe and turn on your notification, so from today you will be receiving a new skill everyday to boost your learning journey. |