Your organization's Success depends on SCALE and Digital Technology Utilization on 2019 era12/20/2019 On this present era the SCALE and utilization of Digital Technology (DT) defines everything. I Was speaking to HIMSS ASIA PAC 2019, Bangkok convention center, Thailand. Every organization or company or Corporation's success stands on how SCALE-ABLE is their product, services etc. Because that's how they can provide a consistent quality, cost and turn around time. There are different kinds of scale exists. Let me give you a bit more hand grip on this,
Now the question is -
How do we do that? If you notice that the core of every scale on this era is the creative utilization of Digital Technology (DT). Even 5 - 10 years ago it was so hard to even imagine, but now we have a great weapon named Digital Technology (DT). The right utilization of this DT can help the organization achieve the scale. Please noticed I used the word "RIGHT" it's key and to make that happen in an organization requires a right mindset CEO and a CAPABLE CIO. Why CEO? The right mindset CEO is needed because then the CEO will find the right people, include to the core team, empower them and then willing to invest on such vision, technologies, product etc. Why Capable CIO? A 'capable' CIO is also required on this as then the CIO will ensure the organization DATA is protected and not being given to it's tech partner for granted. As DATA is the new currency of 2019, if any organization missing that, someone else will get that for granted. Unfortunately a large % of organization does not have this capability and that's why their this Currency is just give away for FREE or in really under priced to others (competitors, partner, tech vendor, companies etc) to make those others millionaires, billionaires. I would not mention the names of such companies, but if you look around, you will see hundreds of them around you. Regards. John Masud Parvez CIO and Social Innovator More details
Industry Revolution 4.0 often scaring the traditional job market players and often many writer love scaring them. Today I will would write about something on the opposite pole. Let's start with the business, world is changing and it's changes so fast so even a large percentage of the startups companies are opening everyday. We can call it startup boomers era but however even 70% of those start up are getting closed in 3 years of time. But what is the things which actually differentiate the companies success now? For me what I have is this - The world's most successful companies focus on improving themselves and the lives of the people they serve. Now what is the unique or transformation skills which are actually shaping this success. I would like to step back a bit on this. Fifteen years ago, my uncle entered the information technology industry job market . Ten years ago, CIOs and CTOs were not recruiting data scientists and User Experience (UX) leaders. There were information managers, there were scientists; but they rarely worked in enterprise IT and users were employees not customers and few organisations focused on the experience those consumers had. Today as we near 2020 there is no doubt that the roles of those working in a CIO's team has drastically changed. This change in the type of skills required by the enterprise has fostered a common vernacular, as the technology world is apt to do - the skills shortage. Many agree a skills shortage is upon us, others see a change in the global culture that is impacting recruitment in just the same way as it is keeping shoppers at home (but still shopping) and TV show watchers out and about (but still watching episodes). Whichever you believe, if organisations need data scientists and UX leads, they will have to do more than place a role with a recruitment firm. It is no longer a buyer's market; enterprise IT needs to look at its house and do some Do It Yourself (DIY) and develop the skills it requires. A report by the European Commission found that 37% of the workforce do not have the basic digital skills organisations now require and the Commission believes there could be 750,000 roles left open in 2020. Beyond Europe, the World Economic Forum reports that 54% of the global workforce will need "significant re-skilling" by 2022. This comes at a time when IT organisations are struggling to find those rare soft skills needed to ensure new technologies are adopted and new ways of working embraced. The recruitment sector is convinced there is a skills gap and is struggling to find the number of candidates it requires for the commissions it receives from CIOs. The European Commission agrees with the recruiters and states that demand for digital professionals has grown by four percent a year for the last decade. Security, data analytics, IoT, Cloud, change management and integration skills are those the Commission, recruiters and CIOs in my network all agree there is a shortage of. Of those only IoT is really new, and with a range of new technologies about to hit the enterprise such as Edge computing, robotics, artificial intelligence and machine learning, the World Economic Forum says
There could be 133 million new roles about to be created. Now let just say this - Do you see opportunities? Oh Yes! Our #Community is FULL with #GREAT #PEOPLE with #GREAT #MINDSET. But as we are working and very #focused in our own #missions so only few of our #time we can spend for community. So Let's #INTEGRATE those little times #TOGETHER, and all that will make a #Significant #effort. I would like to say #THANK #YOU to those #amazing #personals, #organization, #companies for being Vietnam Social Health Revolution (#VSHR) us so far, and the one is not yet, Let's work together very soon!!! 5G-enabled, real-time remote surgeries are fast becoming a reality in China, and one private hospital in Shanghai is keen to explore the possibilities.
“Real-time, live surgery across borders, across physical distances, is something that we are looking at,” Dr Koh Hau Tek, Chief Medical Officer (Dy) of Jiahui Health, recently told Hospital Insider. Next - how are other healthcare systems in Asia keeping ahead by harnessing innovation? Singapore is exploring the use of AI to tackle social isolation, while one major hospital in Thailand will introduce a fully robotic pharmacy next year. Meanwhile, we share how hospitals can solve the puzzle of variability in care and services. Dr Denise Basow, CEO of Clinical Effectiveness at Wolters Kluwer, spoke in Jakarta recently about the massive costs of this phenomenon to healthcare providers - and what they can do about it. Finally, what are the 12 healthcare innovations that will change healthcare in the 2020s? Drones, stem cell cures and bio banks all feature in this roundup by TIME. The story of most of the students and professionals are exactly the same. After high school students go to university so they can have a degree and can also spend 4 years to get old enough to get a certificate to show for having a regular job. Here during that period those students seat in a class room in front a teacher who teach though power point slides and book. And after working few years, professionals think he or she needs to move forward the career, so they apply for an MBA or master degree for a filed. Most of the case this degree is in intensive mode on week or at evening classes. And here the same approach that period those professionals seat in a class room in front a teacher who teach though power point slides and book. Well this is working this approach year and years but Did you notice here is a common issue on this approach? The process in learning really slow, because those classes students and professionals are getting a lot of information but they still don't really know how to transform those to a knowledge. Well they are doing presentation but we all know how easy to make a presentation look amazing as it based on a unreal or make up project. There is a lot of people talking about this but end of the day they end up creating similar kind of university, institute or academy. Another big group of people are talking about Education 4.0 but showing as an intensive use of technology in teaching and learning with expansive set like - AR, VR etc. But The true goal of Education 4.0 is not to sell expansive technology to educational industry but Education 4.0 is to create professionals with right skillset which are required in industry 4.0 environment. This to ensure after graduation as professional they can become productive for industry in a very short period of time and grow their career moving forward. So Let's dont use Education 4.0 just as a product or an opportunity to sell technology, let focus on the right purpose of this. Only IoT is really new, and with a range of new technologies about to hit the enterprise such as Edge computing, robotics, artificial intelligence and machine learning, the World Economic Forum says
There could be 133 million new roles about to be created. Recently I wrote an article about, Healthcare 4.0 is not a myth anymore and it's happening now. There are 12 technology and Innovations are going to reshape the healthcare on 2020. Though my this article series I will give you a good understanding of each of this technology innovations and why they are reshape the healthcare on 2020. Let's call this series care2020 (#care2020) and this is the part 1.
Did we ever thought, How many people do we have now in our planet? Roughly answer will be there are 7.5 billion humans. Now if we ask How many of those people are using wearable devices such as - smart band, smart watch, or even using smart healthcare app? Statistics day, tens of millions of us track our health with wearables like smart watches, as well as with more traditional devices like blood-pressure monitors. Now the big idea was, if there were a way to aggregate all that data from even a few million of us and make it all anonymous but searchable, medical researchers would have a powerful tool for drug development, lifestyle studies and more. Well, on 2019 that's not now a "was" anymore, it's already kicked off. California-based Big Data firm Evidation has developed just such a tool, with information from 3 million volunteers providing trillions of data points. And they did not just stop but took their idea to industry level, so they have built up partnership with drug manufacturers like Sanofi and Eli Lilly to parse that data; that work has led to dozens of peer-reviewed studies already, on subjects ranging from sleep and diet to cognitive-health patterns. Another part of that work is they are running projects, to see if new technologies can effectively measure chronic pain, is personal: Lemke, the founder, has a rare genetic disease that causes frequent back pain. Evidation is partnering with Brigham and Women’s Hospital on the project. Now another questions - Do you use wearable? If even you say 'NO", then answer will be 'YES' most of the time because, your smart phone already most likely having a mobile app build in! The next article is on 2nd technology will reshape the healthcare in 2020 - A stem-cell cure for diabetes. Author Recently John Masud Parvez was on industry mentoring session and answering different questions of different industry learders about how they can grow their company culture, digital transformation work and also their personal development. One othe participants who is a HR Director of a coproration ask John - Hay John, I am super impressed with all the programmes / courses you have completed . I would like to learn from you on how to get to these programmes from the perspective of time and cost and ROI. Then John Masud Parvez was answering that Thank you very much. It all started 100X hunger for knowledge. Those days I was squizing all my time out of the day to go though those courses beside my regular working hours. 2014 - 2015 thouse courses was offer as an earlier stage with really low fees model, and those are amazing investment for me, to decided and being super agreesive to learn and grow. For me, it was simple. I wanted to go top of the organization, and I knew that one of the way for achieving that is the constantly learning, and more I learn, faster I can grow myself. For ROI, ya, ROI? I am the youngest CIO of the Vietnam. Working for the coporation who is almost half a billion USD investment, 5000+, employees. The amazing benefit what I got about this which I am going to share you now. Beside my coporate life I wanted to do things for community. Among those programs one of the program was at Stanford on entrepreneurship. That program also significantly helped to develop my mindset, skill set to build something from the scratches. On 2017 when I was transformation my 4 years research to an NPO organization named VSHR. That program's knowledge was so great and helped me. Now the NPO has 300 members, 19 national initiatives and supported 250,000 Vietnamese people. Then The HR Director replied That's awesome Wow! Amazing! Then He Mentioned -
I would like to add related question on this -If I chose to do for my learning which one would you suggest. My passion is in the following areas. 1) organisational transformation , 2) leadership coaching 3) Chang management 4) digital transformation. Then John Masud Parvez replied - Being HR Director your primary focus is people. So your first action to assess and identify the right work culture for your company, do perform the right cultural transformation. Recently I wrote an article about, Healthcare 4.0 is not a myth anymore and it's happening now. There are 12 technology and Innovations are going to reshape the healthcare on 2020. Though my this article series I will give you a good understanding of each of this technology innovations and why they are reshape the healthcare on 2020. Let's call this series care2020 (#care2020) and this is the part 2. Previous was one was - The biggest Big Data to transform the healthcare model by Christine Lemke ! Most of us already know how bad a disease like a diabetic is. It's almost like putting a person in prison and set a close boxed life and also works as a slow poison to dramatically impact all the organs, disable them over the years. This is one of the key reason I hated this disease so much so even reduced my 25 kilos of weight to get back to a proper shap. But did we ask ourselves this questions? How many people are suffering in diabetes on world? According to WHO the number is 422 million people. Like another 1.25 million american people this got Harvard biologist Doug Melton’s attention. His daughter Emma and son Sam are suffering for this. As most of us already know diabetes treatment is a lifetime of careful eating, painful insulin injections and multiple daily blood-glucose tests. Melton was looking for a solution and found a different approach: using stem cells to create replacement beta cells that produce insulin. He started the work over 10 years ago, when stem-cell research was raising hopes and controversy. In 2014 he co-founded Semma Therapeutics—the name is derived from Sam and Emma—to develop the technology, and this summer it was acquired by Vertex Pharmaceuticals for $950 million. The company has created a small, implantable device that holds millions of replacement beta cells, letting glucose and insulin through but keeping immune cells out. “If it works in people as well as it does in animals, it’s possible that people will not be diabetic,” Melton says. “They will eat and drink and play like those of us who are not.” We can see a hammer on diabetes is coming soon. The next article is on 3nd technology and innovation, will reshape the healthcare in 2020 - Global Bio Bank 4.0 Author John Masud Parvez
CIO, Organizational Transformer, Founder and President of VSHR (Non profit) More Details Recently I wrote an article about, Healthcare 4.0 is not a myth anymore and it's happening now. There are 12 technology and Innovations are going to reshape the healthcare on 2020. Though my this article series I will give you a good understanding of each of this technology innovations and why they are reshape the healthcare on 2020. Let's call this series care2020 (#care2020) and this is the part 3. Previous was one was - A hammer on diabetes ! Personalized medication. Did you hear or familiar with personalized medicine? Most likely yes! A major limitation threatens to hamper the era of personalized medicine due to my different human races and how they are distributed all over the globe. Interestingly People of Caucasian descent are a minority in the global population yet make up nearly 80% of the subjects in human-genome research, is creating lots of blind spots in drug research. That's why we saw different drugs are having different effectiveness in different region, and eventually creating negative impact as well. There are a controversial stories around the globe about it. To respond that issue, Dr. Abasi Ene-Obong, founded 54gene. 54gene is an initiative which is focusing for Africa’s 54 countries, the Nigeria-based startup is sourcing genetic material from volunteers across the continent, to make drug research and development more equitable. We all know the the ugly history of colonial exploitation in Africa and those can't be removed from the pages of history. If companies are going to profit by developing marketable drugs based on the DNA of African people, Africa should benefit: so, when partnering with companies, 54gene prioritizes those that commit to including African countries in marketing plans for any resulting drugs. Ene-Obong says If we are part of the pathway for drug creation, then maybe we can also become part of the pathway to get these drugs into Africa . The next article is on 4nd technology and innovation, will reshape the healthcare in 2020 - A mind reader smartboard to enable disabled people. Author John Masud Parvez
CIO, Organizational Transformer, Founder and President of VSHR (Non profit) More Details Recently I wrote an article about, Healthcare 4.0 is not a myth anymore and it's happening now. There are 12 technology and Innovations are going to reshape the healthcare on 2020. Though my this article series I will give you a good understanding of each of this technology innovations and why they are reshape the healthcare on 2020. Let's call this series care2020 (#care2020) and this is the part 3. Previous was one was - A diverse Global Bio Bank to make medicine more effective. Thomas Reardon, CEO and co-founder of CTRL-Labs, was saying - “I want machines to do what we want them to do, and I want us to not be enslaved by the machines,” Imagine a person has a paralyzed hand, then a device enable him to control any technology devices directly through a signal from brain? We saw these type of things in science fiction movies for years. Now this is not a just a science fiction anymore! CTRL-Labs is inventing a wrist band named CTRL-kit, which detects the electrical impulses that travel from the motor neurons down the arm muscles and to the hand almost as soon as a person thinks about a particular movement. The hunched-over posture and fumbling keystrokes of the smartphone era represent “a step backward for humanity,” says Reardon, a neuroscientist who, in a past life, led the development of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. Reardon say also added. The technology could open up new forms of rehabilitation and access for patients recovering from
Facebook has splashed out as much as $1 billion to buy CTRL Labs. The tech giant announced that it has bought CTRL Labs, a four-year-old company based in New York and co-founded by Thomas Reardon, the creator of Internet Explorer, and Patrick Kaifosh, a neuroscientist. The deal was Facebook’s biggest acquisition in five years. The next article is on 5th technology and innovation, will reshape the healthcare in 2020 - A disruptive research to kill cancer. Author John Masud Parvez
CIO, Organizational Transformer, Founder and President of VSHR (Non profit) More Details |
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